All posts from Holly Pousett

  • Explore 4-H At Home to receive hands-on, educational activities, including the latest 4-H at Home Activity Guide. Shop 4-H curriculum to help inspire young people to do, learn, and grow.

    Fun for all ages

  • Students explore the schoolyard and try to find an object that represents each letter of the alphabet. Wrap up: Each student gives an answer for a letter. Were any letter left blank? What could we use to fill the missing letters?

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  • Students discover different kinds of trees through the senses and learn how to differentiate between tree species in this fun, hands on activity.

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  • Ag for Life’s eLearning Labs offer a variety of online educational tools that are available to learners of all ages. Topics include sustainability, ag careers, farm fun and more!


  • Check out the curriculum linked resources available from AITC-C. Filter by grade, subject or resource type. These lessons focus on Canadian agriculture.

    AITC-C provincial member organizations are working hard to provide resources, lesson plans and activities to support learning about agriculture and food from home! Explore and download these FREE resources from across Canada.


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Teaching Resources
Growing the Next Generation provides a wide selection of resources for teachers.
  • Full online lesson plans available
  • Curriculum-linked
  • Most resources offered at no cost
  • Fun and engaging content