Have students place a hula hoop in the natural area/garden and draw their answers. Discuss student answers. Each student shares the coolest thing found in his/her hula hoop.
The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) is a not-for-profit, science-based organization dedicated to the responsible management of plant nutrition for the benefit of the human family.
To learn more visit: www.ipni.net
Check out the resources provided by Little Green Thumbs for tips and simple activities that connect gardens to core academic subjects. New resources are being developed and added regularly!
Students must choose a “magic spot” in the schoolyard or their garden at home, and then answer the questions by drawing their observations. Wrap up: Compare drawings and discuss insects and their relationship with plants.
Students choose a magic spot in the garden that contains one or two big plants. Observe the plant and answer questions. Wrap up: Discuss student answers and observations. How do we keep our garden healthy and happy?