Discuss animal needs. Focus on homes. Discuss shapes of homes. Students search for, write down and draw animal homes. Wrap-up: share cool homes.
Discuss differing animal needs and habitat. Each student chooses an animal that might live on the schoolyard. Students search for the needs of their specific animals (water, food, shelter). Draw and describe what they find.
The project sheet includes 3 different in-class activities using autumn leaves. Activities use chromatography or observation and will require some household materials (listed).
NOTE: ADULT SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED. Please read all instructions completely before starting. Observe all safety precautions.
Discuss plant growth, branches, buds, bud scale, scars, measurements and averages. Students measure three branches each from three different levels of the plant (top, middle and bottom) on three different sides of the plant (N, E, S, W). Find the averages and note any significant differences. Wrap-up: what effects plant growth?
Big Green Colorado has launched Big Green At Home an online hub for all kids and families to continue their learning around health, nutrition, and growing your own food!
Fun for all ages