Students learn to use shadows to predict the approximate size of large objects. Students measure shadows and use ratios to determine actual heights. Wrap up: Can we use the same ratio all the time?
Students explore the classroom or schoolyard to find different shapes. Students must then sketch the shape, tally whether the object is natural or man made, and graph their results. Wrap up: Review graphs. Discuss the objects found, and how man made shapes often come from shapes found in nature.
Students explore the classroom or schoolyard to find different shapes, create a tally, and graph their results. Wrap up: Discuss the objects found for each shape, review graphs.
Students search for shapes that occur naturally in the schoolyard. Students write a shape poem on two of the shapes found. Wrap up: Discuss poems and where ideas came from. Did the shapes we know come from nature?
Students discuss different shapes that that occur in nature. This activity can be completed by having students draw, describe or explore the schoolyard to find the answers. Wrap up: discuss students’ answers and why certain shapes may benefit the organism/plant.