Students complete this sun scavenger hunt to learn about sunlight, shadows, temperature and its relationship to plant and animal life in the schoolyard. Wrap up: Discuss sunlight (daylight/ seasonal), how the sun affects the appearance of shadows, temperature variations, animal/plant life and their relationships to sunlight (ie: amphibians), the visible change of seasons.
Discuss sun movement (daily, seasonal), day length, temperature, sun placement/tilt, and shadow length. Predict warmest spot in the natural area and discuss importance for animals. In pairs, students place a thermometer in hypothesized warm spot, and have 2 chances to find the “hot spot”. Wrap-up: share warmest area and importance, discuss changes in body shadow and reveal eraser shadow technique: need to have body in line with the sun and the eraser. Sun needs to be at their back.
Learn about temperature and variability. Have students take the air temperature at three different sites around the school and write a short description of the areas they chose. Compare finding between groups to determine the coldest and warmest spots on the schoolyard.
Learn about air temperature and variability. Take the air temperature at different sites around the school and compare findings to determine the coldest and warmest spots on the schoolyard.
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