
  • Students will discover the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems by studying a small space marked by a hula hoop or piece of string. Questions and suggested topics are included for teachers; based on Calgary’s ecoregion but could be customized to fit other ecoregions. Wrap up: Compare the diversity found in each plot, different adaptations, why some areas may contain more plant life than others, etc.

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  • Discuss plants, characteristics and measurement. Students choose a plant to draw, describe and measure. Wrap-up: share plants, predict seasonal differences.

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  • Discuss plants, observation, characteristics, measurement, mapping and directions. Students choose a plant friend and complete the worksheet. Wrap-up: share plants, predict seasonal differences.

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  • Discuss plant observations, measurements, growth stages and age. Students choose a plant and make a detailed drawing with measurements. Label the parts and their functions. Wrap-up: review plant parts/functions and discuss what affects plant growth. Are there ways (behaviours) we can encourage growth? What plants are most vulnerable to human impact? How can we show respect on hikes, park visits etc?

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  • Discuss plant observations, measurements, growth stages and age. Students choose a plant and make a detailed drawing with measurements. Label the parts and their functions. Wrap-up: review plant parts/functions and discuss what affects plant growth. Are there ways (behaviours) we can encourage growth? What plants are most vulnerable to human impact? How can we show respect on hikes, park visits etc?

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