Discuss crime scene investigation: observations, evidence, reports. Students investigate a “crime” in the natural area and complete the CSI Report. Wrap-up: share solutions and evidence to support.
Did you know that all crops require 17 nutrients to grow?
Or that different crops remove different amounts of nutrients from the soil when harvested?Increase your Nutrient Knowledge and check out Mosaic’s Periodic Table of Crop Nutrients and Nutrient Removal Calculator.
Source: The Mosaic Company
Image: Pixabay
Discuss plant parts and their functions: roots, leaves, stem, and flower. Students will dig up a dandelion to observe and fill in the activity sheet. Wrap up: discuss the students’ answers, review the plant parts and functions.
Choose a tree or a shrub and collect measurements including: height, circumference, and length or buds/leaves. Students tally plants of the same species found in the garden and graph their results. Wrap up: compare students’ answers and discuss the different types of plants found in the garden.
Students explore the schoolyard to find tallys of different types of plants. Students must then convert the tallys into decimals. Wrap up: Discuss findings, conversions from tallys to decimals, the relationship between decimals and fractions, etc.