Students explore and discover what types of plants and animals exist within the schoolyard’s ecoregion. Wrap up: Take up students’ answers as a class, discuss why your ecoregion may differ from other ecoregions.
Students explore the school’s natural area to find 3 different plant specimens and answer the questions on the activity sheet. Wrap up: Discuss different specimens found, recurring features/adaptations, what other plants might grow at or near the school, etc.
Discuss erosion, evidence of erosion and causes of erosion. Students search for and describe erosion in the schoolyard. Describe the location of the erosion. Wrap-up: tour the schoolyard. Students share one example for each type of erosion.
Students survey the school grounds, look for evidence of different types of erosion, and describe their findings. Wrap up: Discuss findings, where certain types of erosion are most likely to occur and why, etc.
Students estimate and then measure (using number of hands) different objects around the schoolyard. Students compare their estimation to the actual measurement. Wrap up: Discuss student answers. How close were estimations? What other objects do you use to measure with? Discuss different units of measurement.