Discuss different types of poems including stanzas, rhyme, etc. Students can review these poem examples to solidify content or prepare for their own writing efforts.
Number plants in the natural area 1-6. Students explore the schoolyard calculating distance between common objects: spider web, slide, bench, etc. Then calculate the distance between the plants numbered around the schoolyard. Wrap up: Discuss student answers and compare distances. Were certain units of measurement used to find some distances but not others? Why?
Students estimate and measure objects in the natural area using the most appropriate units. Wrap up: discuss students’ answers and which unit of measurement was most appropriate.
Students search for shapes that occur naturally in the schoolyard. Students write a shape poem on two of the shapes found. Wrap up: Discuss poems and where ideas came from. Did the shapes we know come from nature?
Discuss transects and different methods of observation. Students complete the activity by indicating changes in the natural area, and identifying the ecosystem using transects. Wrap up: Compare student results, and revisit transect basics if necessary.