• Discuss plant growth, branches, buds, bud scale, scars, measurements and averages. Students measure three branches each from three different levels of the plant (top, middle and bottom) on three different sides of the plant (N, E, S, W). Find the averages and note any significant differences. Wrap-up: what effects plant growth?

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  • Big Green Colorado has launched  Big Green At Home an online hub for all kids and families to continue their learning around health, nutrition, and growing your own food!

    Fun for all ages

  • Discuss schoolyard invertebrates and their characteristics. Discuss good sketching strategies. Students search for four bugs. Draw the bug in as much detail as possible and make some observations. Wrap-up: share cool bugs and observations.

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  • Students learn how to calculate percentage based off of tallys found around the schoolyard. Follow up: Compare answers between groups.

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  • Enjoy many interactive agriculture activities including cow milking, sheep shearing, livestock auctioneering, the amazing corn maze, and much more! And of course you will be able to meet a wide variety of farm animals from huge draft horse to tiny chicks that are just a few days old. Come learn where your food comes from and enjoy going to the farm yet never leave the city.

    For more information please call 403-261-0162 or visit: http://ag.calgarystampede.com/events/aggie-days

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