Students find and draw the items on the list by searching around the schoolyard. Use this resource to help grade 1 students interact with nature using their own senses and perceptions.
Discuss senses and observation. Have students complete the activity based on the current season. Wrap up: Discuss student answers, and how change of the seasons may affect the answers.
*Students could also redo this activity as the seasons change. -
Discuss senses and observation. Students explore the garden and draw/describe what they find. Wrap up: share one finding each.
Students learn to use shadows to predict the approximate size of large objects. Students measure shadows and use ratios to determine actual heights. Wrap up: Can we use the same ratio all the time?
Students explore the classroom or schoolyard to find different shapes. Students must then sketch the shape, tally whether the object is natural or man made, and graph their results. Wrap up: Review graphs. Discuss the objects found, and how man made shapes often come from shapes found in nature.